Friday, July 17, 2009

Winning Streak

As the The Great Driving Challenge Campaign reaches the end of voting phase, I got some pertinent questions lingering in my mind. What appealed to people in this campaign that couples of all ages , classes, want to take part and share their story ? Why, people who already own hi end cars like BMW's, Merc, or even Mitsubishi Cedia itself, want to embark on this journey, collect votes, and then go on to be the final lucky three? There are people in this contest who are millionaires already and on the other hand those , for whom the prize in this contest is twice their annual salary.

I guess its the age old quest for supremacy. Man has always had that competitive streak in him where he wanted to show he's the best in what ever he takes up. Whether it was the gladiators in bygone eras, or the Olympics, or now the contestants in TGDC , its only human nature to want to win, to better ourselves, to be the best.

As to why we entered this challenge, we loved the novel idea of travelling 3000 kms in 10 days and telling the world as we go by tweeting, blogging and having fun. We took this mission to gift our workaholic selves a vacation well deserved.

We don't have high end digital cameras or for that matter, fast luxury cars but we made sure we never fell short of integrity, spirit, creativity to the best of our ability. May the best one win..

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