Sunday, April 12, 2009


Love is a strange feeling. It manifests itself in many forms. Many definitions float around which try to describe love but in my opinion words fail to completely capture the depth and the myriad emotions that entail love.
What then is love? In the limited world view that I have , I have seen people from completely different backgrounds, religions, physical attributes, castes come together and get entwined by the power of love. Love strikes at the most unexpected moment and all you know is getting swept off your feet. The feeling is flattering to be offered roses, chocolates and the likes. I am fortunate to have experienced love in its most romantic form and still remember feeling completely oblivious to hunger, thirst, day and night just thinking about him.
But after five years of marriage do I still love him the way I did back then?
The answer is no. Five years into marriage anybody will have a list of flaws in the other person... Nah.. just kidding. I still love him but the attributes of this love are different. In the sense that I care for him in a much different way. I respect his long term goals and ambitions in life, I know that we have different interests and still appreciate it, I choose to downplay the petty arguments that we have, I ignore the random fit that he throws. I love him unconditionally and accept him with all his vices. I now know fully well when I need to leave him alone and when I should shower him with my attention. The romance is there but in the silent glance that he gives me even when we are in a crowd. I support him in every endeavour of his, knowing fully well that whatever he does is for our collective wellbeing.
Love is a choice that we conciously make even when we could do otherwise.
And blessed I am to get back whatever love that I give, only multiplied and I sincerely hope the Gods above bless him with boundless energy to chase all his dreams.

Sunday is a Holiday

Its common knowledge that Sunday is a holiday...whether you are a student or an employee or whatever.. but what about homemakers ? They dont get a single day off in their lives unless they are on a vacation..
but I'm lucky that my hubby is sensitive to my needs and ..(touchwood ). Seeing that I was feeling a little dull today he offered to cook for me and boy.. need I say I was delighted.
So he set off with his new role and I relaxed for a while. Which made me realise all the more that everyone needs that little time in life to rejuvenate oneself. Sometimes we lose ourselves in the daily routine and the numerous mundane things that we lose focus. I decided to make the most of the break that I got and set off doing things I was postponing since long.
And then it was lunch time and I should admit I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that he has done a pretty decent job. Though he doesnt hijack the kitchen too often, he managed to cook the daily must haves Rice, Dal and Curry pretty well. I gorged myself to satisfaction knowing fully well and appreciating the fact that everyday is not a sunday..especially this Sunday.